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Ing. Paul Hemetsberger

Paul Hemetsberger IT-Dienstleistungen
Erdbergstraße 10/55, 1030 Wien
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UID: ATU60374017

Wörterbuch-Projekt dict.cc
Geprüfte Übersetzungen am 13. April 2024

00:05  Elektromotorenproduktion electric motor production
00:35  Kühlturmventilator cooling tower fan
00:36  Heißluftherd fan-assisted oven
00:36  Luftflügelbremse fan-brake dynamometer
00:37  Zulüfter supply air fan
02:02  Geschäftsinformationen business information
02:02  Motorenproduktion engine production
02:02  Motorenindustrie motor industry
02:02  Reallohnverluste real wage losses
02:03  Jdm. verschlug es die Sprache. Sb. was dumbfounded.
02:03  Kliniksterben closure of hospitals
02:11  Pseudoephedrin pseudo
02:11  etw. mitgemacht haben to have been through sth.
02:12  sth. lacks legs
02:12  Bitte lächeln! Say cheese!
06:36  besockt sock-footed
06:38  Tapetenreste wallpaper scraps
07:20  Leonhardi St Leonard's day
07:20  Leonhardi St. Leonard's day
08:13  Die Tradition erlaubt es jdm., etw. zu tun. Tradition allows sb. to do sth.
08:14  Klimamaßnahmen climate action
08:15  Ladenschließungen closure of shops
08:16  Munitionsknappheit munitions shortage
08:16  Russlandfeldzug Russian campaign
08:17  Altschnee old snow
10:53  Badeurlaub beach vacation
10:56  Tourengänger (montain / ski) tourer
13:46  die Bedeutung von etw. verstehen to make sense (out) of sth.
17:11  Badeurlaub spa vacation
17:16  etw. durchgemacht haben to have been through sth.
17:28  Stimulanzien stimulants
17:29  Stimulantia stimulants
17:29  aufputschende Mittel stimulants
17:29  Anregungsmittel stimulants
17:33  Anregungsmittel stimulant
17:33  Aufputschmittel stimulant
17:36  Stimulans stimulant
19:22  lone wolf attack
19:22  Ende Gelände! That's it!
20:00  Lüfterradwelle fan shaft
20:01  Ventilator ventilating fan
20:17  Frischlüfter forced draft fan
20:17  Luftgebläse forced draft fan
20:21  Lüfterrelais radiator fan relay
21:07  Buckelkraxe carrying frame
21:46  Halbrundniet button-head rivet
21:47  Hohlniet tubular rivet
21:47  Hohlniet hollow rivet
21:47  Flachrundniet truss-head rivet
21:48  (etw.) vorhalten to give lead to sth.
21:48  Flachkopfniet flat-head rivet
21:49  Exzenterniet eccentric rivet
21:52  Kopfniet round-head rivet
22:00  hinspringen to jump over there
22:01  Härtefallgelder special support for hardship cases
22:03  Leiter handler
22:05  Nägel mit Köpfen machen to put one's money where one's mouth is
22:06  Vierlingsflak quadruple antiaircraft gun
22:22  Wenn es nicht mehr wichtig ist Past Caring
22:23  Was für ein schöner Sonntag! What a beautiful Sunday!
22:24  Der Schacht The Pit
22:25  Für diese Nacht Tonight
22:26  Lassen wir den Wind sprechen Let the Wind Speak
22:31  Motorindustrie motor industry
22:32  Automobilindustrie motor industry
22:32  Kfz-Industrie car industry
22:35  Kraftfahrzeugindustrie motor vehicle industry
22:36  Autozulieferindustrie car component industry
22:36  Automobilindustrie car industry
22:37  Autoindustrie car industry
22:37  Automobilbranche car industry
22:37  Installationszubehör plumbing fixtures
22:38  Automobilbranche automotive industry
22:38  Automobilindustrie automobile industry
22:39  Sicherheitsschloss pin tumbler (lock)
22:42  Kontermutter lock nut
22:42  Autoindustrie motor industry
22:43  Stahlniet steel rivet
22:43  Rohrniet tubular rivet
22:43  Senkniet countersunk-head rivet
22:43  Spreizniet expanding rivet
22:43  Vollniet solid rivet
22:44  Zahlenkombinationsschloss permutation lock
22:45  Zahlenkombinationsschloß permutation lock

Weitere Sprachen

01:07  EN-NO   rule change regelendring
01:07  EN-NO   suicide prevention selvmordsforebygging
12:01  DE-RO   Etagenbett pat etajat
12:02  DE-RO   Mühlrad roată de moară
12:02  DE-RO   Ordner folder
12:37  DE-RO   Zahnalveole alveolă dentară
13:08  DE-NO   Vertrag traktat
13:12  DE-TR   Statuten nizamname
13:13  EN-TR   syndrome sendrom
13:13  EN-TR   African penguin Afrika pengueni
13:14  EN-TR   limnology limnoloji
14:31  DE-NO   Rahmengeometrie rammegeometri
14:38  DE-RO   antennenartig ca o antenă
14:46  DE-LA   zurückziehen restringere
15:49  DE-UK   Rückkehr повернення
15:49  DE-UK   Programmierer програміст
15:49  DE-UK   Rotes Kreuz Червоний Хрест
15:49  DE-UK   Mönch чернець
15:49  DE-UK   Nonne черниця
15:49  DE-UK   Apfelbaum яблуня
15:49  DE-UK   apathisch апатичний
15:49  DE-UK   Landschaftsschutzgebiet заповідник
15:49  DE-UK   umgangssprachlich розмовний
15:49  DE-UK   Umgangssprache просторіччя
15:49  DE-UK   essen їсти
15:49  DE-UK   Essen їжа
15:49  DE-UK   Nahrung їжа
15:49  DE-UK   Igel їжак
15:49  DE-UK   Kaukasus Кавказ
15:50  DE-UK   Kaukasier кавказець
15:50  DE-UK   Kaukasierin кавказка
15:50  DE-UK   kaukasisch кавказький
15:50  DE-UK   Ente качка
15:50  DE-UK   Brei каша
15:50  DE-UK   Mit ihm kommt man auf keinen grünen Zweig. З ним каші не навариш.
15:50  DE-UK   Husten кашель
15:50  DE-UK   Territorialgewässer територіальні води
15:52  DE-UK   Konflikt конфлікт
15:52  DE-UK   Kniestrümpfe гольфи
15:52  DE-UK   verheiratet жонатий
15:52  DE-UK   Würstel сосиска
15:53  DE-UK   Wiener сосиска
15:53  DE-UK   hundertste сотий
15:53  DE-UK   Soße соус
15:53  DE-UK   Beschlagnahme конфіскація
15:53  DE-UK   Konfiszierung конфіскація
15:53  DE-UK   mein мій
16:07  EN-TR   coherent koherent
16:12  EN-NO   treaty traktat
16:56  EN-SK   extracorporeal extrakorporálny
16:56  EN-SK   peace conference mierová konferencia
16:56  DE-SK   Friedenskonferenz mierová konferencia
18:13  EN-RO   mill wheel roată de moară
19:06  EN-TR   enlargement büyüme
19:25  DE-RO   Beschwerdeführer reclamant
22:00  DE-TR   Paketklebeband koli bandı
22:00  DE-TR   Stundenplan ders programı
22:02  DE-TR   Idiot budala
22:02  DE-TR   Mistkübel çöp kutusu
22:02  DE-TR   Mistkübel çöp tenekesi
22:06  DE-TR   Kaiserin imparator
22:10  EN-RO   rapacious rapace
22:10  EN-RO   serious grav
22:10  EN-RO   dental dentar
22:10  EN-RO   comfort confort
22:11  EN-RO   insensitive insensibil
22:11  EN-RO   muscular pain durere musculară
22:11  EN-RO   scented paper hârtie parfumată
22:11  EN-RO   investigator investigator
22:11  EN-RO   pay day zi de plată
22:11  EN-RO   pay-day zi de plată
22:11  EN-RO   payday zi de plată
22:11  EN-RO   day of payment zi de plată
22:11  EN-RO   payment day zi de plată
22:12  EN-RO   indirect tax impozit indirect
22:12  EN-RO   garden fence gard de grădină
22:12  EN-RO   grave grav
22:12  EN-RO   pirogue pirogă
22:12  EN-RO   Pharaohs faraoni
22:13  EN-RO   disinformation dezinformare
22:13  EN-RO   pole dancer dansatoare la bară
22:13  EN-RO   dangerous situation situație periculoasă
22:13  EN-RO   set of tires set de cauciucuri
22:13  EN-RO   set of tyres set de cauciucuri
22:14  EN-RO   to standardise a standardiza
22:14  EN-RO   to standardize a standardiza
22:14  EN-RO   synchronous sincron
22:14  EN-RO   express train tren expres
22:14  EN-RO   winter tire cauciuc de iarnă
22:14  EN-RO   winter tyre cauciuc de iarnă
22:14  EN-RO   dental alveolus alveolă dentară
22:14  EN-RO   misanthropic mizantrop
22:15  EN-RO   trumpeter trompetist
22:22  EN-SK   fad mánia
22:22  EN-SK   fad móda
22:22  EN-SK   surgical steel chirurgická oceľ