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UID: ATU60374017

Wörterbuch-Projekt dict.cc
Geprüfte Übersetzungen am 17. November 2023

02:28  östrogenrezeptornegativ oestrogen receptor-negative
02:28  sich den / seinen Rücken kaputt machen to knacker one's back
02:30  etw. ideologisieren to ideologise sth.
02:32  Phasenkurve phase curve
02:35  sich den Rücken verrenken to do one's back in
02:37  Laster debauchment
02:37  Tu, wonach dir der Sinn steht. Do as you please.
03:19  (an jdm.) Rache nehmen to exact revenge (on sb.)
07:44  jünger als ... under the age of ...
07:44  Eisenschlacke iron dross
07:44  Zeitmarke time mark
07:45  Eisenschlacke iron slag
07:45  mittrinken to join in the drinking
07:46  etw. protokollarisch festhalten to take sth. down in the minutes
07:46  nuklearfähig nuclear-capable
07:46  keinen Aufschub dulden to admit of no delay
07:47  Krisentheorie crisis theory
07:47  top in Schuss top-notch
07:48  Bildlosigkeit aniconism
07:49  Betriebsmittel accessories
09:44  Glucuronolacton glucuronolactone
09:44  Weinlacton wine lactone
09:44  jdm. einen runterholen to give sb. one off the wrist
09:44  Gesetz des tendenziellen Falls der Profitrate law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall
10:00  Traubenreste rape
10:10  Auto-Fettsucht car obesity
10:13  Rechnerstruktur computer structure
10:13  Rechnertyp type of computer
10:13  Ferula ferula
10:47  Theaterautorin playwright
10:48  Stückeschreiberin playwright
11:12  Krisentheorie theory of crisis
11:13  Abschiedlichkeit abschiedlichkeit
11:13  Glucono-delta-Lacton glucono-delta-lactone
11:14  Fickfreund fuckbuddy
11:26  rumkurven to cruise around
11:48  Sedimentgestein sedimentary rocks
12:12  Rechnerbelastung computer load
12:34  Rechnersicherheit computer security
12:58  kalkreich lime-rich
13:00  bleireich lead-rich
13:05  polymerreich polymer-rich
13:06  Everolimus everolimus
13:10  Basizitätswert basicity value
13:15  Guanin guanine
13:28  räumlich space-wise
13:59  dem Tod (nur) um Haaresbreite entgehen to escape death by a hairbreadth
13:59  dem Tod (nur) um Haaresbreite entgehen to escape death by a hair's breadth
14:00  Auslöser trigger
14:00  ein Dez ten degrees
14:00  Élysée-Palast Elysée Palace
14:01  grenzüberschreitend transgressive
14:01  grenzwertig near the knuckle
14:02  gerieben shrewd
14:02  Grauschwanzwasserläufer Polynesian tattler
14:02  Graubürzelwasserläufer gray-tailed tattler
14:02  Graubürzelwasserläufer grey-tailed tattler
14:19  öffentliche Bekanntmachung public service announcement
14:20  Kippe dart
14:21  Shadowban shadowban
14:22  Sprayerei tagging
14:22  Achterbahn big dipper
14:23  öffentliche Ankündigung public service announcement
14:25  Mount Popomanaseu Mount Popomanaseu
14:28  CPU-Auslastung CPU usage
14:28  acetonreich acetone-rich
14:32  Zwischengitteratom interstitial atom
14:33  γ-Valerolacton γ-valerolactone
14:34  Isononanol isononanol
14:36  verdummt dummied
14:41  Podophyllotoxin podophyllotoxin
14:54  Mehr von ... increase of ...
14:54  Mehr an ... increase in ...
15:56  Ribbel noggin
16:12  Mürbekuchen shortcake
16:13  jdn. zurechtweisen to give sb. a slap on the wrist
16:27  jdn. händeringend um etw. bitten to implore sb. for sth.
16:29  Massenprotest mass protest
16:35  Grundleine set line
16:36  stillgeschäftig quietly busy
16:36  Wasserkreislauf water cycle
16:37  Religionsersatz religion replacement
16:42  CO2-Senke CO2 sink
16:52  Natriummalat sodium malate
18:02  Stickstoffassimilation nitrogen assimilation
18:03  Stickstoffassimilation assimilation of nitrogen
18:13  Rechnerabsturz computer crash
18:29  Oxazin oxazine
18:30  Morpholin morpholine
18:30  Brandteigkrapferl profiterole
18:30  Infokalypse infocalypse
18:30  Sialadenose sialadenosis
18:36  Mohr-Tranebjærg-Syndrom Mohr–Tranebjærg syndrome
18:36  Sialolithiasis sialolithiasis
18:37  Stickstoffaufnahme assimilation of nitrogen
20:43  analoge Fotografie analog photography
20:43  sich bessern to ameliorate
20:44  Analogfotografie analog photography
20:44  Akrylnitril acrylonitrile
20:45  Acrylnitril acrylonitrile
20:46  achtwertig octavalent
20:46  achtwertig eight-valued
20:46  sich verbessern to ameliorate
20:47  Beeinflussungskampagne influence campaign
20:47  Hagemoser-Weinstein-Bresnick-Syndrom Hagemoser–Weinstein–Bresnick syndrome
21:18  etw. durchklingen lassen to intimate sth.
21:37  Natriumhydrogensulfid sodium hydrosulfide
21:38  digitale Fotografie digital photography
21:38  Gleichheitssatz principle of equality (before the law)
21:38  Rechnerwechsel computer change
21:39  Website-Analytik website analytics
22:09  Berliner Blau Prussian blue
22:09  Berliner Blau Berlin blue
22:26  Zweiwochenration two-week ration
22:26  Monatsration monthly ration
22:26  Bariumcyanid barium cyanide
22:26  Leberläsion liver lesion
23:15  Reliquienkult worship of relics
23:20  Wasserstoffbrückenbindung hydrogen bonding
23:37  Stickstoffbindung nitrogen fixation

Weitere Sprachen

01:14  DE-NO   Aufblitzen lysglimt
06:45  EN-RO   irony ironie
06:45  EN-RO   morning workout gimnastică de dimineață
06:45  EN-RO   fish food hrană pentru pești
06:45  EN-RO   to sweat a transpira
06:45  EN-RO   contemporaneity contemporaneitate
06:45  EN-RO   extrinsic extrinsec
06:45  EN-RO   optimisation optimizare
06:45  EN-RO   optimization optimizare
06:48  DE-RO   Laxans laxativ
06:48  DE-RO   zwiegespalten indecis
06:49  DE-RO   Dachwohnung apartament la mansardă
06:50  DE-RO   Kieferkamm creastă maxilară
06:51  DE-RO   Helferlein mic ajutor
07:44  DE-ES   etw. aufbauen montar algo
07:45  DE-ES   Transmutation transmutación
07:45  DE-ES   Sanierungsplan plan de saneamiento
07:46  DE-ES   sich mit etw. arrangieren acomodarse a algo
07:46  DE-ES   sich mit etw. arrangieren acomodarse con algo
07:46  DE-ES   Messgerät aparato de medición
08:05  DE-RO   Ladungskonjugation conjugarea sarcinii (electrice)
08:36  EN-SK   careerism karierizmus
08:39  EN-SK   foreign-language cudzojazyčný
08:39  EN-SK   cysteine cysteín
09:13  EN-RO   browsing history istoric de navigare
09:41  DE-NO   Kinderlähmung barnelammelse
09:45  EN-RO   theology teologie
09:56  EN-FR   (European) mistletoe gui
10:51  DE-RO   Ja-Stimmen voturi pentru
10:51  DE-RO   Nein-Stimmen voturi împotrivă
10:52  DE-RO   Gegenstimmen voturi împotrivă
10:53  DE-RO   Phelonion felon
11:21  DE-RU   Verhandlungsbasis основа для переговоров
11:38  EN-LA   false bilinguis
11:38  EN-LA   having a double meaning bilinguis
11:38  EN-LA   allegorical bilinguis
11:38  EN-LA   limiting definitio
11:38  EN-LA   defining definitio
11:38  EN-LA   explanation definitio
11:38  EN-LA   prescribing definitio
11:38  EN-LA   bounding definitio
11:38  EN-LA   boundary definitio
11:38  EN-LA   to bend aside declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to turn away declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to turn aside declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to deviate declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to deflect declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to vary declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to inflect declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to avoid declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to evade declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to shun declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to digress declinare
11:39  EN-LA   to curve inflectere
11:39  EN-LA   to turn aside inflectere
11:39  EN-LA   to bend inflectere
11:39  EN-LA   to change inflectere
11:39  EN-LA   to alter inflectere
11:39  EN-LA   to inflect inflectere
11:39  EN-LA   to bow inflectere
11:39  EN-LA   to modulate inflectere
11:40  EN-LA   to pronounce with a circumflex accent inflectere
11:40  EN-LA   to mark with a circumflex accent inflectere
11:40  EN-LA   to pervert inflectere
11:40  EN-LA   to affect inflectere
11:40  EN-LA   solecism soloecismus
11:40  EN-LA   January mensis Ianuarius
11:40  EN-LA   of January Ianuarius
11:40  EN-LA   of the month of January Ianuarius
11:40  EN-LA   of Janus Ianuarius
11:40  EN-LA   of purifying februarius
11:40  EN-LA   of expiation februarius
11:40  EN-LA   of February februarius
11:40  EN-LA   February mensis Februarius
11:40  EN-LA   March mensis Martius
11:40  EN-LA   of Mars Martius
11:40  EN-LA   belonging to Mars Martius
11:40  EN-LA   relating to Mars Martius
11:40  EN-LA   sacred to Mars Martius
11:40  EN-LA   martial Martius
11:40  EN-LA   warlike Martius
11:40  EN-LA   April mensis Aprilis
11:40  EN-LA   pertaining to April Aprilis
11:40  EN-LA   of April Aprilis
11:40  EN-LA   May mensis Maius
11:41  EN-LA   of the month of May Maius
11:41  EN-LA   of May Maius
11:41  EN-LA   June mensis Iunius
11:41  EN-LA   Junian Iunius
11:41  EN-LA   of June Iunius
11:41  EN-LA   Julian Iulius
11:41  EN-LA   of Julius Iulius
11:41  EN-LA   of July Iulius
11:41  EN-LA   Julian Iulianus
11:41  EN-LA   belonging to Julius Caesar Iulianus
11:41  EN-LA   of Julius Caesar Iulianus
11:41  EN-LA   majestic augustus
11:41  EN-LA   august augustus
11:41  EN-LA   venerable augustus
11:41  EN-LA   worthy of honor augustus
11:41  EN-LA   worthy of honour augustus
11:41  EN-LA   consecrated augustus
11:42  EN-LA   sacred augustus
11:42  EN-LA   reverend augustus
11:42  EN-LA   magnificent augustus
11:42  EN-LA   noble augustus
11:42  EN-LA   relating to Augustus Augustus
11:42  EN-LA   of Augustus Augustus
11:42  EN-LA   Augustan Augustus
11:42  EN-LA   of the emperor Augustus
11:42  EN-LA   imperial Augustus
11:42  EN-LA   August mensis Sextilis
11:42  EN-LA   sixth month mensis Sextilis
11:42  EN-LA   sixth month Sextilis
11:42  EN-LA   August Sextilis
11:42  EN-LA   of August Sextilis
11:42  EN-LA   of the sixth month Sextilis
11:42  EN-LA   garden hortulanus
11:42  EN-LA   belonging to a garden hortulanus
11:42  EN-LA   of a garden hortulanus
11:42  EN-LA   gardener hortulanus
11:42  EN-LA   garden hortualis
11:42  EN-LA   belonging to a garden hortualis
11:42  EN-LA   of a garden hortualis
11:42  EN-LA   belonging to a father's brother patruus
11:42  EN-LA   of a father's brother patruus
11:42  EN-LA   of an uncle patruus
11:42  EN-LA   father's brother patruus
11:43  EN-LA   belonging to a deputy legatorius
11:43  EN-LA   of a deputy legatorius
11:43  EN-LA   diphthong diphthongus
11:43  EN-LA   feminine femininus
11:43  EN-LA   of the feminine gender femininus
11:43  EN-LA   femininely feminine
11:43  EN-LA   two-tongued bilinguis
11:43  EN-LA   double-tongued bilinguis
11:43  EN-LA   having two tongues bilinguis
11:43  EN-LA   with two keys bilinguis
11:43  EN-LA   speaking two languages bilinguis
11:43  EN-LA   hypocritical bilinguis
11:43  EN-LA   deceitful bilinguis
11:44  EN-LA   treacherous bilinguis
11:44  EN-LA   relating to apostasy apostaticus
11:44  EN-LA   apostatizing apostaticus
11:44  EN-LA   apostatic apostaticus
11:44  EN-LA   apostatical apostaticus
11:44  EN-LA   apostatising apostaticus
11:44  EN-LA   master builder architectus
11:44  EN-LA   architect architectus
11:44  EN-LA   inventor architectus
11:44  EN-LA   deviser architectus
11:44  EN-LA   contriver architectus
11:44  EN-LA   author architectus
11:44  EN-LA   maker architectus
11:44  EN-LA   crafty man architectus
11:45  EN-LA   master in cunning architectus
11:45  EN-LA   architect architecta
11:45  EN-LA   of equal age aequaevus
11:45  EN-LA   just as old aequaevus
11:45  EN-LA   coeval aequaevus
11:45  EN-LA   bell campana
11:45  EN-LA   dealer in sausages botularius
11:45  EN-LA   sausage-maker botularius
11:45  EN-LA   mock-purchaser illicitator
11:45  EN-LA   sham-bidder illicitator
11:45  EN-LA   adherence adhaesus
11:45  EN-LA   adhering adhaesus
11:45  EN-LA   place of deposit receptaculum
11:45  EN-LA   reservoir receptaculum
11:45  EN-LA   magazine receptaculum
11:45  EN-LA   receptacle receptaculum
11:45  EN-LA   place of refuge receptaculum
11:45  EN-LA   lurking-place receptaculum
11:45  EN-LA   shelter receptaculum
11:45  EN-LA   retreat receptaculum
11:45  EN-LA   disputer disputator
11:45  EN-LA   disputant disputator
11:46  EN-LA   bottomless pit abyssus
11:46  EN-LA   place of the dead abyssus
11:46  EN-LA   hell abyssus
11:46  EN-LA   approaching accessus
11:46  EN-LA   access accessus
11:46  EN-LA   accession accessus
11:46  EN-LA   increase accessus
11:46  EN-LA   way of approach accessus
11:46  EN-LA   passage accessus
11:46  EN-LA   entrance accessus
11:46  EN-LA   request rogatus
11:46  EN-LA   entreaty rogatus
11:46  EN-LA   suit rogatus
11:46  EN-LA   running back recursus
11:46  EN-LA   going back recursus
11:46  EN-LA   return recursus
11:46  EN-LA   retreat recursus
11:46  EN-LA   returning recursus
11:46  EN-LA   squalling vagitus
11:46  EN-LA   union consociatio
11:46  EN-LA   association consociatio
11:46  EN-LA   hopelessness desperatio
11:46  EN-LA   despair desperatio
11:47  EN-LA   desperate boldness desperatio
11:47  EN-LA   foolhardiness desperatio
11:47  EN-LA   of heroes heroicus
11:47  EN-LA   heroic heroicus
11:47  EN-LA   mythical heroicus
11:47  EN-LA   relating to (mythical) heroes heroicus
11:47  EN-LA   in the heroic style heroice
11:47  EN-LA   right ius
11:47  EN-LA   justice ius
11:47  EN-LA   duty ius
11:47  EN-LA   broth ius
11:47  EN-LA   soup ius
11:47  EN-LA   sauce ius
11:47  EN-LA   equal rights iura communia
11:47  EN-LA   civil law ius civile
11:47  EN-LA   adverb adverbium
11:47  EN-LA   grammatical grammaticalis
11:47  EN-LA   perlaining to grammar grammaticalis
11:47  EN-LA   of grammar grammaticalis
11:47  EN-LA   grammatically grammaticaliter
11:47  EN-LA   future futurum
11:48  EN-LA   darkening obumbratio
11:48  EN-LA   shading obumbratio
11:48  EN-LA   obscuring obumbratio
11:48  EN-LA   darkening obumbraculum
11:48  EN-LA   obscuration obumbraculum
11:48  EN-LA   conceivable cogitabilis
11:48  EN-LA   imaginable cogitabilis
11:48  EN-LA   criminal criminalis
11:48  EN-LA   pertaining to crime criminalis
11:48  EN-LA   of crime criminalis
11:48  EN-LA   criminally criminaliter
11:48  EN-LA   mocking diasyrticus
11:48  EN-LA   reviling diasyrticus
11:48  EN-LA   mockingly diasyrtice
11:48  EN-LA   talking sharply dicax
11:48  EN-LA   satirical dicax
11:48  EN-LA   sarcastic dicax
11:48  EN-LA   acute dicax
11:48  EN-LA   witty dicax
11:54  EN-FR   waste treatment plant installation de traitement des déchets
11:54  EN-FR   waste management facility installation de traitement des déchets
11:54  EN-FR   disposal costs frais d'élimination
11:54  EN-FR   disposal fees frais d'élimination
11:54  EN-FR   waste management concept concept de la gestion des déchets
11:54  EN-FR   disposal logistics logistique des déchets
11:54  EN-FR   waste logistics logistique des déchets
11:54  EN-FR   waste dump décharge de déchets
11:54  EN-FR   rubbish dump décharge de déchets
11:54  EN-FR   waste disposal system système d'élimination des déchets
11:54  EN-FR   garbage disposal system système d'élimination des déchets
11:54  EN-FR   waste disposal company entreprise d'élimination des déchets
11:54  EN-FR   waste disposal business entreprise d'élimination des déchets
11:55  EN-FR   waste disposal firm entreprise d'élimination des déchets
11:55  EN-FR   disposal process processus d'élimination
11:55  EN-FR   unbelievable rocambolesque
11:55  EN-FR   beyond belief rocambolesque
11:55  EN-FR   past belief rocambolesque
11:55  EN-FR   mind-boggling rocambolesque
11:55  EN-FR   marvelous rocambolesque
11:55  EN-FR   marvellous rocambolesque
11:55  EN-FR   awesome rocambolesque
11:56  EN-FR   stunning rocambolesque
11:56  EN-FR   cautious posé
11:56  EN-FR   thoughtful posé
11:56  EN-FR   deliberate posé
11:56  EN-FR   thoughtfully pensivement
11:56  EN-FR   meditatively pensivement
11:56  EN-FR   contemplatively pensivement
11:56  EN-FR   reflectively pensivement
11:56  EN-FR   ruminatively pensivement
11:56  EN-FR   ruminatingly pensivement
11:56  EN-FR   thoughtful pensif
11:56  EN-FR   reflective pensif
11:57  EN-FR   meditative pensif
12:00  EN-FR   musing pensif
12:00  EN-FR   preoccupied pensif
12:00  EN-FR   ruminative pensif
12:00  EN-FR   dissipated dissipé
12:00  EN-FR   dispelled dissipé
12:00  EN-FR   allayed dissipé
12:00  EN-FR   soothed apaisé
12:01  EN-FR   appeased apaisé
12:01  EN-FR   pacified apaisé
12:01  EN-FR   appeasement apaisement
12:01  EN-FR   mediator conciliateur
12:01  EN-FR   appeaser conciliateur
12:18  EN-FR   mediator conciliatrice
12:18  EN-FR   appeaser conciliatrice
12:27  EN-FR   allaying apaisant
12:27  EN-FR   conciliating apaisant
12:27  EN-FR   pacifying apaisant
12:27  EN-FR   calming apaisant
12:27  EN-FR   policy of moderation politique d'apaisement
12:27  EN-FR   appeasement policy politique d'apaisement
12:27  EN-FR   cash flow problems difficultés de trésorerie
12:27  EN-FR   half-orphan demi-orphelin
12:27  EN-FR   semi-orphan demi-orphelin
12:28  EN-FR   housing complex lotissement
12:28  EN-FR   housing estate lotissement
12:28  EN-FR   housing development lotissement
12:28  EN-FR   altruistically de manière désintéressée
12:28  EN-FR   disinterestedly de manière désintéressée
12:28  EN-FR   selflessly de manière désintéressée
12:28  EN-FR   unselfishly de manière désintéressée
12:29  EN-FR   main switch disjoncteur (général)
12:29  EN-FR   master switch disjoncteur (général)
12:29  EN-FR   to answer to sth. donner son opinion sur qc.
12:29  EN-FR   to make an observation on sth. donner son opinion sur qc.
12:29  EN-FR   to pronounce upon sth. donner son opinion sur qc.
12:29  EN-FR   to pronounce on sth. donner son opinion sur qc.
12:29  EN-FR   to remark on sth. donner son opinion sur qc.
12:29  EN-FR   to speak to sth. donner son opinion sur qc.
12:29  EN-FR   duration of cover durée d'assurance
12:29  DE-NO   Wal hval
12:29  EN-FR   period of insurance durée d'assurance
12:29  EN-FR   term of insurance durée d'assurance
12:29  EN-FR   to act sth. donner en représentation qc.
12:29  EN-FR   two-day de deux jours
12:33  EN-RU   hydrate гидрат
13:00  EN-RO   unimaginable inimaginabil
13:10  DE-NO   Vollkornbrot grovbrød
13:59  DE-SV   Laborassistent labbassistent
13:59  DE-SV   Laborassistentin labbassistent
13:59  DE-SV   Laborassistentin laboratorieassistent
13:59  DE-SV   Laborassistent laboratorieassistent
13:59  DE-SV   Themenpark temapark
14:01  DE-SV   Testamentsvollstreckerin testamentsexekutor
14:01  DE-SV   Testamentsvollstrecker testamentsexekutor
15:57  DE-FI   etw. auf den Kopf stellen keikauttaa päälaelleen
15:57  DE-FI   kippen keikauttaa
15:57  DE-FI   umkippen keikauttaa
15:58  DE-FI   Achtung, Steinschlag! Varo putoavia kiviä!
15:58  DE-FI   Völlerei ylensyönti
15:58  DE-FI   Überessen ylensyönti
15:58  DE-FI   Völlerei ylensyöminen
15:58  DE-FI   Überessen ylensyöminen
15:58  DE-FI   Völkerball polttopallo
15:58  DE-FI   sausen suhahtaa
15:58  DE-FI   schwirren suhahtaa
15:58  DE-FI   huschen suhahtaa
15:58  DE-FI   vorbeizischen suhahtaa ohi
15:58  DE-FI   vorbeirauschen suhahtaa ohi
15:58  DE-FI   vorbeihuschen suhahtaa ohi
15:59  DE-FI   vorbeisausen suhahtaa ohi
16:00  DE-FI   Kammerjäger tuholaistorjuja
16:00  DE-FI   Schädlingsbekämpfung tuholaistorjunta
16:01  DE-FI   Pestizid tuholaismyrkky
16:01  DE-FI   Fungizid sienimyrkky
16:01  DE-FI   Mykotoxin sienimyrkky
16:01  DE-FI   Pilzgift sienimyrkky
16:01  DE-FI   Steinschlag putoavat kivet
16:29  EN-SK   mass protest hromadný protest
16:29  DE-SV   Notstromversorgung nödströmförsörjning
16:29  DE-SK   Massenprotest hromadný protest
16:32  DE-ES   Fachausdruck término técnico
16:33  DE-FR   Fachausdruck terme technique
16:36  DE-EO   Heft kajero
16:37  DE-EO   Vorlesung prelego
16:41  EN-RO   national economy economie națională
16:41  EN-RO   Haiti Haiti
16:45  DE-RU   Nutation нутация
16:53  DE-RU   Spektrograf спектрограф
18:06  EN-FR   eugenics eugénisme
18:07  EN-SK   loch jazero
18:08  DE-SK   Vorsprung predstih
18:08  DE-SK   Musikologin muzikologička
18:08  DE-SK   musikologisch muzikologický
18:08  DE-SK   musikologisch muzikologicky
18:08  DE-SK   Rhotazismus rotacizmus
18:08  DE-SK   Musikologe muzikológ
18:09  EN-FR   rainbow bee-eater guêpier arc-en-ciel
18:09  EN-FR   black-tailed bee-eater guêpier arc-en-ciel
18:11  EN-FR   pin-tailed bee-eater guêpier arc-en-ciel
18:11  EN-FR   common darter sympétrum strié
18:11  EN-FR   African darter anhinga
18:11  EN-FR   (African) snakebird anhinga
18:11  EN-FR   African darter oiseau-serpent
18:11  EN-FR   (African) snakebird oiseau-serpent
18:11  EN-FR   trade négoce
18:11  EN-FR   to trade with sb./sth. faire du négoce avec qn./qc.
18:14  EN-RO   votes against voturi împotrivă
18:14  EN-RO   votes in favour voturi pentru
18:14  EN-RO   votes in favor voturi pentru
18:28  EN-SK   frog legs žabie stehienka
18:28  EN-SK   to add sth. sčítať n-čo
18:28  EN-SK   to croak kvákať
18:34  EN-RO   cement mixer betonieră
18:34  EN-RO   concrete mixer betonieră
18:34  EN-RO   blurry neclar
18:34  EN-RO   recipient destinatară
18:34  EN-RO   salt lake lac sărat
18:34  EN-RO   ear plugs dopuri pentru urechi
18:34  EN-RO   earplugs dopuri pentru urechi
18:34  EN-RO   extrusion extrudare
18:34  EN-RO   duality dualitate
18:34  EN-RO   Savoyard savoiardă
18:34  EN-RO   to exorcize a exorciza
18:34  EN-RO   pontifical pontifical
18:35  EN-RO   silversmith argintar
18:35  EN-RO   silver smith argintar
18:38  DE-NO   Mischgerät blander
18:38  DE-NO   Mischmaschine blander
18:38  DE-NO   Mischer blander
18:38  DE-NO   Rührmaschine blander
18:38  DE-NO   Mixer blander
18:38  DE-NO   Rührgerät blander
18:38  DE-NO   gepolstert polstret
18:38  DE-NO   Mischapparat blander
18:38  DE-NO   Präventivkrieg preventiv krig
18:38  DE-NO   Trudeln spinn
18:39  DE-ES   würfeln echar los dados
18:39  DE-ES   sich etw. brechen fracturarse algo
18:40  DE-FR   Acen acène
18:40  DE-FR   Cuprat cuprate
18:41  DE-FR   Hinterwäldler plouc
18:41  DE-FR   Hinterwäldlerin plouquesse
18:43  DE-FR   staatseigen domanial
18:43  DE-FR   domanial domanial
18:43  DE-FR   Führer promeneur
18:44  EN-ES   aluminate aluminato
20:30  EN-RO   art form formă de artă
21:15  EN-RO   science fiction science-fiction
21:15  EN-RO   to merge a se uni
21:15  EN-RO   subcommittee subcomisie
21:15  EN-RO   previous experience experiență anterioară
21:15  EN-RO   prior experience experiență anterioară
21:15  EN-RO   sub-committee subcomisie
21:21  EN-RO   morpholine morfolină
21:22  DE-RO   intellektuelle Herausforderung provocare intelectuală
22:17  EN-LA   to sail by campsare
22:27  EN-SK   conveyance preprava
22:27  EN-SK   conveyance doprava
22:27  EN-SK   careerist karieristka
22:27  EN-SK   careerist karieristický
22:27  EN-SK   corrugated vlnitý
22:27  EN-SK   corrugated iron vlnitý plech
22:27  EN-SK   corrugated cardboard vlnitý kartón
22:27  EN-SK   to add sth. spočítať n-čo
22:28  EN-SK   to not add up nemať (ani) hlavu ani pätu
22:28  EN-SK   adder sčítačka
22:28  EN-SK   common European adder vretenica severná
22:28  EN-SK   common European viper vretenica severná
22:28  EN-SK   waters plodová voda
22:28  EN-SK   wasting oslabujúci
22:28  EN-SK   wasting spôsobujúci chradnutie
22:28  EN-SK   wasting chradnutie
22:28  EN-SK   wasting ubúdanie síl
22:28  EN-SK   wasting chudnutie
22:28  EN-SK   muscle wasting ubúdanie svalov
22:29  EN-SK   muscular wasting ubúdanie svalov
22:29  EN-SK   to fall prey to sth. podľahnúť n-čomu
22:29  EN-SK   to fall prey to sth. padnúť za obeť n-čomu
22:29  EN-SK   live food živé krmivo
22:29  EN-SK   live food živá potrava
22:29  EN-SK   behind the scenes v zákulisí
22:29  EN-SK   behind-the-scenes zákulisný
22:29  EN-SK   parvule malá pilulka
22:29  EN-SK   bumblebee poison dart frog pralesnička harlekýnka
22:29  EN-SK   yellow-banded poison dart frog pralesnička harlekýnka
22:29  EN-SK   yellow-headed poison dart frog pralesnička harlekýnka
22:29  EN-SK   to deter sb. odstrašiť n-ho
22:30  EN-SK   to deter sb. from sth. odradiť n-ho od n-čoho
22:30  EN-SK   Australian green tree frog rosnička austrálska
22:30  EN-SK   White's tree frog rosnička austrálska
22:30  EN-SK   dumpy tree frog rosnička austrálska
22:30  EN-SK   European badger jazvec lesný
22:30  EN-SK   Eurasian badger jazvec lesný
23:27  DE-SK   auf dem Bauch na bruchu
23:29  DE-SK   Euroatlantismus euroatlantizmus
23:32  DE-SK   Verhaltenswissenschaftler behaviorálny vedec
23:38  DE-LA   zum Garten gehörig hortualis
23:39  DE-LA   zum Garten gehörig hortulanus
23:39  DE-LA   zum Leichenbegängnis gehörig funeralis