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Ing. Paul Hemetsberger

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Erdbergstraße 10/55, 1030 Wien
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UID: ATU60374017

Wörterbuch-Projekt dict.cc
Geprüfte Übersetzungen am 14. November 2023

01:02  Streitthema controversial topic
01:06  Streitfrage disputed issue
01:06  Streitfrage disputed question
01:13  Eisenresorption iron resorption
01:44  Mangan(II)-iodid manganese(II) iodide
01:45  Mangan(III)-chlorid manganese(III) chloride
01:51  Mangan(II)-sulfid manganese(II) sulfide
01:52  Mangan(IV)-fluorid manganese(IV) fluoride
01:53  Mangan(III)-fluorid manganese(III) fluoride
01:55  Mangan(II)-fluorid manganese(II) fluoride
01:56  Mangan(IV)-oxid manganese(IV) oxide
01:57  Mangan(II)-bromid manganese(II) bromide
01:57  Afrikanische Riesenschnecke Kalutara snail
01:58  Große Achatschnecke Kalutara snail
01:58  Ostafrikanische Riesenschnecke Kalutara snail
01:58  Afrikanische Riesenschnecke giant African snail
01:59  Ostafrikanische Riesenschnecke giant African snail
02:00  Afrikanische Riesenschnecke East African land snail
02:00  Afrikanische Riesenschnecke giant African land snail
02:06  für etw. erforderlich sein to be requisite for sth.
02:38  etw. ideologisieren to ideologize sth.
06:34  jdn. in Fesseln legen to shackle sb.
06:34  Fisch und Pommes fish and chips
06:36  Acetylaceton acetylacetone
06:36  der geborene Künstler sein to be a natural artist
06:37  eines natürlichen Todes sterben to die from natural causes
08:53  verbesserter Clinchknoten improved clinch knot
09:32  Klammerknoten clinch knot
09:32  Clinchknoten clinch knot
09:41  Manganditellurid manganese(IV) telluride
09:41  Streitfrage matter in contention
09:42  naturgemäß dazu neigen, etw. zu tun to have a natural tendency to do sth.
09:42  Rosige Wolfsschnecke cannibal snail
09:42  Rosige Wolfsschnecke rosy wolfsnail
09:42  Flauschzahnseide expanding (dental) floss
09:43  drehen to spin
09:44  eine (teilweise) Rückerstattung auf etw. gewähren to rebate sth.
09:48  Wiesen-Sauerampfer sorrel
10:02  Wasserläufer shank
10:08  Grauschwanzwasserläufer gray-tailed tattler
10:08  Grauschwanzwasserläufer grey-tailed tattler
10:17  Herein, wenn's kein Schneider ist!
10:48  Geriebenheit shrewdness
11:01  Verbreitung coverage
11:17  Wasserläufer tattler
11:38  eruptieren to erupt
11:46  Pro-Palästina-Protestmarsch pro-Palestine protest march
11:46  Pro-Palästina-Demo pro-Palestine demonstration
12:07  Kriegführen waging of war
13:11  Alpennordhang northern slopes of the Alps
13:11  Unterwallis Lower Valais
13:57  gewaltbereit prone to violence
13:57  Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung rental confirmation letter
14:14  Man muss sich (nur) zu helfen wissen. You just have to be resourceful.
14:15  (jdm.) Umstände bereiten to cause inconvenience (to sb.)
17:45  Totalausfall complete rupture
19:35  sulfatreduzierende Bakterien sulfate-reducing bacteria
19:54  gerieben smart
20:56  Fibroepitheliom fibroepithelioma
20:56  Kopplungsarten types of coupling
20:56  Konformitätsprüfung conformity test
20:57  gesüdete Karte south-up map
20:57  Notschlafsaal emergency dormitory
20:58  Acrylsäure acrylic acid
20:58  Acriflavin acriflavine
20:58  Acetylcystein acetylcysteine
21:03  Portulankarte portolan chart
21:54  Iridiumacetylacetonat iridium acetylacetonate
21:55  Iridiumanreicherung iridium enrichment
21:58  Iridium(IV)-oxid iridium(IV) oxide
21:59  Iridiumdioxid iridium dioxide
22:00  Ethylazid ethyl azide
22:00  Iridium(III)-bromid iridium(III) bromide
22:00  Iridiumtribromid iridium tribromide
22:02  Azidocillin azidocillin
22:02  Azidamfenicol azidamfenicol
22:04  Bortriazid boron triazide
22:04  Triazidoboran triazidoborane
22:05  Bromazid bromine azide
22:05  Chlorazid chlorine azide
22:07  Cyanazid cyanogen azide
22:07  Iodazid iodine azide
22:07  Methylazid methyl azide
22:09  Iridiumtrichlorid iridium trichloride
22:09  Iridium-Anomalie iridium anomaly
22:10  Triazadienylfluorid triazadienyl fluoride
22:11  Blätterrauschen rustle of leaves
22:11  Blätterrauschen rustling of leaves
22:11  Überlebensmodus survival mode
22:12  antarktische Verstärkung Antarctic amplification
22:13  fehlerentschärfend error-defusing
22:15  Hakenschaftknoten snell knot
22:16  Phenylazid phenyl azide
22:18  Glucocorticoid-Rezeptor glucocorticoid receptor
22:19  Mineralocorticoidrezeptor mineralocorticoid receptor
22:20  Gehäuselüfter case fan
22:21  Tosylazid tosyl azide
22:22  Kompensationsleiter compensation conductor
22:26  Azidomethan azidomethane
22:35  Cyanurtriazid cyanuric triazide
22:37  Nitrosylazid nitrosyl azide
22:38  Tetrastickstoffmonoxid nitrosyl azide
22:39  Azidobenzol azidobenzene
22:41  Chlorcyan cyanogen chloride
22:41  Cyanchlorid cyanogen chloride
22:42  Fluorcyan cyanogen fluoride
22:44  Azan azane
22:44  Azidoethan azidoethane
22:46  Silazan silazane
22:48  Propensäure acrylic acid
22:54  Glazialarchäologie glacial archaeology
23:00  Heptacen heptacene
23:00  Acen acene
23:00  Buthioninsulfoximin buthionine sulfoximine
23:00  Nitren nitrene
23:01  Fluorcyan carbononitridic fluoride
23:01  Nitron nitrone
23:02  Amidrazon amidrazone
23:02  Aminal aminal
23:14  jdm. etw. abluchsen to wangle sth. off sb.
23:14  spuren to toe the line
23:24  ab und an from time to time
23:25  alles oder nichts all or none
23:27  den Schwindel durchschauen to see through the scam
23:28  jdm. etw. abluchsen to get sth. out of sb.
23:28  jdm. etw. abluchsen to mulct sb. of sth.
23:30  Kreuzblütler cruciferous vegetable

Weitere Sprachen

08:07  DE-RO   Abwandlung modificare
08:07  DE-RO   abklemmen a clampa
08:36  DE-RO   Cholesterinsyntheseenzymhemmer statină
08:37  DE-RO   Schrumpfung contracție
08:39  DE-RO   jeden Alters de toate vârstele
08:39  DE-RO   Päckli pachet
08:40  DE-RO   zweimalig de două ori
09:35  EN-RO   drumstick baghetă
09:35  EN-RO   (conductor's) baton baghetă
09:55  EN-RO   Rwanda Ruanda
09:55  EN-RO   to destabilize a destabiliza
09:55  EN-RO   cinema screen ecran de cinema
09:55  EN-RO   movie screen ecran de cinema
09:55  EN-RO   to destabilise a destabiliza
10:48  EN-IS   flag colour fánalitur
10:48  EN-IS   flag color fánalitur
11:08  EN-FR   mercury(I) chloride chlorure de mercure(I)
11:08  EN-FR   mercurous chloride chlorure de mercure(I)
11:08  EN-FR   mercury(I) chloride chlorure mercureux
11:08  EN-FR   mercurous chloride chlorure mercureux
11:08  EN-FR   mercury(II) chloride chlorure de mercure(II)
11:08  EN-FR   mercury dichloride chlorure de mercure(II)
11:08  EN-FR   mercury(II) chloride chlorure mercurique
11:08  EN-FR   mercury dichloride chlorure mercurique
11:08  EN-FR   chloromethane chlorométhane
11:08  EN-FR   methyl chloride chlorométhane
11:08  EN-FR   chloromethane chlorure de méthyle
11:08  EN-FR   methyl chloride chlorure de méthyle
11:08  EN-FR   Refrigerant-40 Fréon 40
11:08  EN-FR   dichloromethane dichlorométhane
11:08  EN-FR   methylene chloride dichlorométhane
11:08  EN-FR   methylene bichloride dichlorométhane
11:08  EN-FR   dichloromethane chlorure de méthylène
11:08  EN-FR   methylene chloride chlorure de méthylène
11:08  EN-FR   methylene bichloride chlorure de méthylène
11:08  EN-FR   to abscond prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:08  EN-FR   to beat a (hasty) retreat prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   to bolt prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   to decamp prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   to fly the coop prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   to make off prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   to make oneself scarce prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   to skedaddle prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   to slope off prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   to vamoose prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   to hop it prendre la poudre d'escampette
11:09  EN-FR   black-necked crane grue à cou noir
11:09  EN-FR   Tibetan crane grue à cou noir
11:09  EN-FR   black-necked crane grue à col noir
11:09  EN-FR   Tibetan crane grue à col noir
11:35  EN-RO   riding boots cizme de călărie
11:36  EN-RO   cold beverage băutură rece
11:36  EN-RO   brick house casă de cărămidă
11:36  EN-RO   gifts cadouri
11:39  EN-RO   dream house casă de vis
11:39  EN-RO   shepherdess ciobăniță
11:39  EN-RO   salary certificate adeverință de salariu
11:39  EN-RO   tiepin ac de cravată
11:43  DE-RU   Hydrat гидрат
11:52  EN-RO   soft drinks băuturi răcoritoare
11:52  EN-RO   to decorate the Christmas tree a decora bradul de Crăciun
11:52  EN-RO   sofa bed canapea extensibilă
11:52  EN-RO   European hedgehog arici european
11:56  EN-SK   deposit vkladový
11:56  EN-SK   deposit fund vkladový fond
11:56  EN-SK   deposit account vkladový účet
11:57  EN-RO   at daybreak cu noaptea în cap
11:57  EN-RO   calculation of costs calcul al costurilor
11:57  EN-RO   collection cup ceașcă de colecție
11:57  EN-RO   ornamental tree arbore decorativ
11:57  EN-RO   air ambulance ambulanță aeriană
11:57  EN-RO   grey matter materie cenușie
11:57  EN-RO   mumbo jumbo hocus-pocus
11:57  EN-RO   cargo aircraft avion cargo
11:57  EN-RO   club colours culorile clubului
11:57  EN-RO   beach house casă la malul mării
11:57  EN-RO   wise woman femeie înțeleaptă
11:57  EN-RO   Yawning is catching. Căscatul e molipsitor.
11:57  EN-RO   coastal waters ape de coastă
11:57  EN-RO   iced coffee cafea cu înghețată
11:57  EN-RO   negative number număr negativ
11:57  EN-RO   silk shirt cămașă de mătase
11:57  EN-RO   denomination denominație
11:58  EN-RO   hectopascal hectopascal
11:58  EN-RO   dialectic dialectic
11:58  EN-RO   dialectical dialectic
11:58  EN-RO   fair play fairplay
11:58  EN-RO   robotics robotică
11:58  EN-RO   fire incendiu
11:58  EN-RO   to catalyse a cataliza
11:58  EN-RO   to catalyze a cataliza
11:58  EN-RO   date of first registration data primei înmatriculări
12:00  EN-FR   black-collared myna étourneau à cou noir
12:00  EN-FR   black-collared starling étourneau à cou noir
12:00  EN-FR   black-necked starling étourneau à cou noir
12:00  EN-FR   black-necked spitting cobra cobra cracheur à cou noir
12:01  EN-FR   to chew the fat bavarder
12:01  EN-FR   to chew the rag bavarder
12:01  EN-FR   to shoot the breeze bavarder
12:01  EN-FR   to shoot the bull bavarder
12:01  EN-FR   to throw the bull bavarder
12:01  EN-FR   truthfulness véracité
12:01  EN-FR   to doubt the veracity of sth. douter de la véracité de qc.
12:01  EN-FR   to be sure that sb. is telling the truth être convaincu de la véracité des dires de qn.
12:01  EN-FR   to be convinced of the truthfulness of sb.'s testimony être convaincu de la véracité des dires de qn.
12:01  EN-FR   to be convinced of the veracity of sb.'s testimony être convaincu de la véracité des dires de qn.
12:01  EN-FR   kraken pieuvre
12:01  EN-FR   machinery of power pieuvre
12:02  EN-FR   blood-sucker pieuvre
12:02  EN-FR   bloodsucker pieuvre
12:08  EN-FR   wild yak yack
12:08  EN-FR   to jaw bavarder
12:08  EN-FR   to yak bavarder
12:26  EN-SK   to weave sth. pliesť n-čo
12:27  EN-SK   arachnids pavúkovce
12:27  EN-SK   wasp spider križiak pásavý
12:27  EN-SK   ladybird spider stepník červený
12:55  DE-LA   balkenstark trabalis
12:56  DE-LA   balkenartig trabalis
14:41  DE-ES   anständig decente
14:42  DE-ES   Konfrontation choque
16:06  EN-LA   having two colours bicolor
16:06  EN-LA   having two colors bicolor
16:06  EN-LA   of two colours bicolor
16:06  EN-LA   of two colors bicolor
16:06  EN-LA   of two colours bicolorus
16:06  EN-LA   of two colors bicolorus
16:06  EN-LA   having two colours bicolorus
16:06  EN-LA   having two colors bicolorus
16:07  EN-LA   honourable probus
16:07  EN-LA   honorable probus
16:07  EN-LA   neighbouring affinis
16:07  EN-LA   neighboring affinis
16:07  EN-LA   (paternal) uncle patruus
16:32  DE-RO   Es sollte nicht sein. N-a fost să fie.
16:33  DE-RO   Victoria Victoria
17:11  DE-FR   koffeinhaltig caféiné
17:16  EN-SK   tweezers pinzeta
18:00  EN-RO   proclamation proclamație
18:00  EN-RO   rules regulament
18:00  EN-RO   sympathy milă
18:00  EN-RO   terrible cumplit
18:00  EN-RO   pawn pion
18:00  EN-RO   patriotic patriotic
18:00  EN-RO   dog bite mușcătură de câine
18:00  EN-RO   Federal Republic of Nigeria Republica Federală Nigeria
18:00  EN-RO   to be in a coma a fi în comă
18:00  EN-RO   fundamentalist fundamentalist
18:35  EN-RO   level of difficulty nivel de dificultate
18:35  EN-RO   disqualified descalificat
19:09  DE-RO   abschwellen a se dezumfla
20:34  EN-SK   tangled (up) zamotaný
20:35  EN-FR   yak yack
20:58  EN-SK   Nearctic neoarktický
21:51  EN-RO   riding habit costum de călărie
21:51  EN-RO   fly ash cenușă zburătoare
21:51  EN-RO   bridesmaids domnișoare de onoare
21:51  EN-RO   Joseph and His Brothers Iosif și frații săi
21:51  EN-RO   chamois capră-neagră
21:52  EN-RO   hypopotassaemia hipopotasemie
21:52  EN-RO   Wenceslaus Square Piața Wenceslas
21:52  EN-RO   pacification pacificare
21:52  EN-RO   disfiguration desfigurare
21:52  EN-RO   place of birth loc de naștere
21:52  EN-RO   absurd idea idee absurdă
21:52  EN-RO   to have everything under control a avea totul sub control
21:52  EN-RO   hurricane of applause aplauze furtunoase
21:52  EN-RO   duck's bill cioc de rață
21:52  EN-RO   production costs costuri de producție
21:52  EN-RO   railway compartment compartiment de tren
21:52  EN-RO   soya bean boabă de soia
21:52  EN-RO   Wenceslas Square Piața Wenceslas
21:52  EN-RO   passenger elevator ascensor pentru persoane
21:52  EN-RO   private detective detectiv particular
21:52  EN-RO   proof of identity dovadă de identitate
21:53  EN-RO   English Channel Canalul Mânecii
21:53  EN-RO   herb tea ceai din plante
21:53  EN-RO   grey eminence eminență cenușie
21:53  EN-RO   international exposition expoziție internațională
21:53  EN-RO   musketeer muschetar
21:58  DE-FR   zirkulatorisch circulatoire
21:59  DE-FR   Kaledonien Calédonie
22:03  EN-RO   The Adventures of Tintin Aventurile lui Tintin
22:03  EN-RO   Dobermann doberman
22:03  EN-RO   protection of animals protecția animalelor
22:13  EN-RO   council of state consiliu de stat
22:13  EN-RO   divine dumnezeiesc
22:52  DE-NO   Tagtraum dagdrøm
22:52  DE-NO   Entchen andunge
22:53  DE-NO   hinter den Kulissen bak kulissene
22:53  DE-NO   Indiz indisium
22:53  DE-NO   Stadtdialekt bymål
22:53  DE-NO   Gehäuselüfter kabinettvifte
22:53  DE-NO   unkritisches Sprachrohr mikrofonstativ
22:53  DE-NO   Bohrinsel leterigg
22:54  DE-NO   Bohrinsel oljerigg
22:54  DE-IT   Legendre-Konstante costante di Legendre
22:54  DE-IT   Dibrommethan dibromometano
22:54  DE-IT   Olympische Sommerspiele Giochi olimpici estivi
22:55  DE-IT   Bürgergeld reddito di cittadinanza
22:56  EN-IT   to set the pace fare da battistrada
22:56  EN-IT   mobile phone telefonino
22:57  EN-IT   cloth pezza
23:01  DE-RO   Nachts sind alle Katzen grau. Noaptea toate pisicile sunt negre.
23:01  DE-RO   Pelzstiefel cizmă îmblănită
23:04  EN-SK   to line sth. lemovať n-čo
23:04  EN-SK   to line sth. obklopiť n-čo
23:04  EN-SK   casting wax odlievací vosk
23:05  EN-SK   to hold on to sth. držať sa n-čoho
23:05  EN-SK   to hold on to sth. pridržovať sa n-čoho
23:05  EN-SK   to hold on to sth. pridŕžať sa n-čoho
23:05  EN-SK   tangly zamotaný
23:05  EN-SK   tangly zložitý
23:06  EN-SK   synanthropic synantropný
23:06  EN-SK   rudimentary zakrpatený
23:06  EN-SK   rudimentary nevyvinutý
23:06  EN-SK   rudimentary rudimentálny
23:06  EN-SK   daddy long-legs spider trasavka veľká
23:06  EN-SK   long-bodied cellar spider trasavka veľká
23:07  EN-SK   to hold on to sth. pridržiavať sa n-čoho
23:07  EN-SK   buff-tailed bumblebee čmeľ zemný
23:07  EN-SK   nesting hniezdny
23:07  EN-SK   large earth bumblebee čmeľ zemný